What About These 12 Childhood Snacks from the ’70s Would Shock Today’s Parents

Growing up in the 1970s was a culinary adventure that today’s parents would find absolutely mind-boggling. Our snack time was a wild ride of sugar, artificial colors, and ingredients that would make modern nutritionists faint dead away. These treats were less about nutrition and more about pure, unbridled childhood joy.

1. Spam as a Legitimate Protein Source

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Spam wasn’t just a canned meat – it was a dietary staple that parents served with complete confidence. Fried, sliced, diced, or served cold, this processed meat product appeared in countless meals without any concern about sodium or preservative content. Children would happily consume it, believing they were eating a proper protein source. For those hungry for more insight, Mental Floss dives further into the history of this very particular food that has faded but refuses to disappear without a fight.

The versatility of Spam meant it could appear in sandwiches, as a main course, or even in salads without anyone batting an eye. Its ability to survive indefinitely was seen as a feature, not a warning sign. Modern nutritionists would likely stage an intervention at the mere mention of Spam as a dietary staple.

2. Kool-Aid Prepared with Massive Sugar

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In the 1970s, Kool-Aid preparation was less about hydration and more about creating the sweetest possible concoction. Parents would dump cup after cup of sugar into a pitcher, creating a drink that was essentially liquid candy. Kids would gulp down these nuclear-colored beverages without any concern for dental health or sugar intake. Hastings Museum is quite proud of the origins of Kool-Aid and its place in the town’s history.

The typical Kool-Aid preparation involved more sugar than liquid, creating a syrup that could probably power a small vehicle. Children would drink these without stopping, their parents blissfully unaware of the sugar tsunami. Today’s parents would be measuring out precise, minimal amounts of sugar with scientific precision.

3. Tang: Astronaut Drink Turned Everyday Beverage

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Marketing convinced an entire generation that drinking Tang was equivalent to being an astronaut, regardless of its questionable nutritional value. This powdered orange drink was more artificial color and sugar than actual nutrition, with a taste that bore little resemblance to real orange juice. Parents would proudly serve it, believing they were offering something special. Indeed, Food & Wine credits NASA with being a driving force behind making Tang not just tasty but cool to have.

The drink’s space-age marketing made kids feel like they were consuming something futuristic and important. Its bright orange color and ability to mix instantly made it a staple in 1970s households. Modern parents would likely run a chemical analysis before allowing their children to consume such a beverage.

4. Marshmallow Fluff Sandwiches


Lunch boxes across America frequently contained sandwiches made entirely of marshmallow fluff, sometimes with a token layer of peanut butter. These sugar bombs were considered a perfectly acceptable lunch option, with parents believing they were providing a treat. Nutritional content was an afterthought at best.

Kids would trade these sandwiches like currency, prizing the pure sugar experience above all else. The sticky, sweet concoction would coat lunch boxes and hands with gleeful abandon. Today’s parents would consider this closer to child neglect than a reasonable meal.

5. Candy Cigarettes

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Before health consciousness hit, kids literally ate candy that looked exactly like cigarettes, complete with powdered sugar that mimicked smoke. Parents would buy these for their children without a second thought, often seeing them as harmless play. The packaging even mimicked real cigarette brands, a marketing approach that would be unthinkable today.

These sugar sticks came in packaging that looked just like adult cigarette packages, teaching kids how to hold them just like grown-ups. Children would dramatically puff on these “cigarettes,” feeling terribly sophisticated. Modern parents would be absolutely horrified by this casual normalization of smoking behavior.

6. Jell-O Everything

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In the 1970s, Jell-O wasn’t just a dessert – it was a food group unto itself. Savory Jell-O molds containing everything from vegetables to meat were considered sophisticated dinner party fare. Parents would create elaborate gelatin landscapes that would make today’s culinary experts weep with confusion.

These wiggling, multicolored creations often contained suspended vegetables, meats, or even seafood. Children would be served these culinary experiments with complete seriousness. Modern parents would view these as some form of gastronomic war crime.

7. Coca-Cola in Baby Bottles

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Believe it or not, giving babies and toddlers Coca-Cola in their bottles was not uncommon in the 1970s. Parents would mix soda into formula or directly fill bottles with the caffeinated, sugary drink without a second thought. The concept of dental health or caffeine sensitivity for infants was barely considered.

Children would be given soda as a treat, a meal replacement, or even a soothing beverage. The amount of sugar and caffeine consumed by toddlers would be considered child endangerment today. Modern pediatricians would have an absolute meltdown at such a practice.

8. Butter on Everything

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Margarine and butter were slathered on everything with reckless abandon, from toast to vegetables to meat. Parents believed fat was flavor, and nutrition was an afterthought at best. Kids would happily consume sticks of butter as if they were candy bars.

Vegetables weren’t steamed or roasted – they were drowning in butter, essentially turning healthy foods into calorie bombs. The concept of heart-healthy eating was completely foreign. Today’s parents meticulously measure every gram of fat that enters their children’s bodies.

9. Raw Eggs in Milkshakes

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Adding raw eggs to milkshakes was considered a protein boost, with no concern about salmonella or food safety. Parents would crack eggs directly into milkshakes, believing they were providing a nutritional enhancement. Children would gulp these down without any understanding of potential health risks.

The protein shake trend started long before modern health consciousness, with raw eggs being seen as a pure protein source. Nobody worried about bacterial contamination or food-borne illnesses. Today’s parents would view this as a potentially fatal feeding strategy.

10. Saccharin-Laden Diet Sodas for Kids

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Diet sodas loaded with saccharin were frequently given to children as a “healthy” alternative to regular soda. Parents believed they were making a nutritious choice by avoiding sugar, completely unaware of potential health risks from artificial sweeteners. Kids would consume these chemical cocktails without any concern.

The bright, chemical-tasting beverages were marketed as a miracle solution for weight and sugar concerns. Children would happily drink multiple cans per day, thinking they were making a grown-up choice. Modern parents would be horrified by the potential long-term health implications.

11. Peanut Butter and Mayo Sandwiches

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Sandwiches made with peanut butter and mayonnaise were a legitimate lunch option that parents would proudly pack. The combination of fat, protein, and pure caloric density was seen as a perfect meal. Children would consume these without questioning the unusual flavor combination.

These sandwiches represented peak 1970s culinary creativity, combining ingredients with zero consideration for nutritional balance. The mayo would be slathered thick, creating a sandwich that was more fat than substance. Today’s parents would view this as nutritional madness.

12. Candy for Breakfast


Sugary cereals were essentially candy masquerading as breakfast, with parents believing they were providing a balanced meal. Brands like Cookie Crisp and Cocoa Puffs were marketed directly to children as a nutritious start to the day. Kids would pour bowls filled with what was essentially crushed cookies and call it breakfast.

Saturday morning cartoons were sponsored by cereal brands that competed to create the most sugar-laden options possible. Children would consume these sugar bombs and then bounce off the walls with energy. Modern parents monitor sugar intake with the precision of medical professionals.

Our childhood wasn’t just different – it was a nutritional wild west that would make today’s parents absolutely apoplectic. These snacks represent a time when convenience and flavor trumped any consideration of health or nutrition. We survived, but boy, would we never get away with this today!

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