12 of the Craziest Moments From ‘Airplane!’ That We All Still Quote Today

1. The Autopilot “Inflating” Scene


When the plane’s autopilot (a blow-up doll named “Otto”) goes flat, Ted and Elaine must blow him back up in one of the film’s cheekiest gags. The scene takes a turn when Elaine has to “inflate” Otto, making for a joke that lands just as absurdly today as it did then.

2. The White Zone/Red Zone Announcement


In the airport scene, the back-and-forth announcements arguing about the “white zone” and the “red zone” quickly spiral from simple directions into a hilarious exchange between two people with personal issues. This scene captures the film’s knack for turning everyday airport occurrences into comedic gold.

3. “Stop calling me Shirley.”


This line deserves its own entry for how iconic it became. Dr. Rumack’s total lack of expression and Striker’s obliviousness to the joke make it one of those moments that fans can’t help but repeat—even the show can’t help but refer to this running gag, and understandably so!

4. The Jive Talkers


The scene where two passengers start speaking in exaggerated “jive” slang, only to be understood by a prim older lady (played by Barbara Billingsley of Leave It to Beaver fame) is one of those surreal moments that could only work in Airplane! The jive-talking passengers and their improbable interpreter are still some of the film’s most memorable characters.

5. The “Airplane!” Slap Parade


When a hysterical woman onboard begins panicking, the crew and fellow passengers line up to “slap” her back to calmness. The bit escalates with people using absurd items like wrenches and boxing gloves, creating one of the most memorable sequences in slapstick comedy.

6. The Dancing Fever Flashback


Ted Striker’s flashback to a disco dance-off is both a tribute to and a parody of Saturday Night Fever. With dance moves that quickly spiral out of control, the scene offers some of the most absurd and laugh-out-loud moments in the film.

7. The Fish or Steak Question


During the flight, passengers are given the choice between fish and steak, but as it turns out, the fish leads to serious food poisoning. This darkly funny premise becomes a classic example of the movie’s outlandish approach to humor, as increasingly bizarre symptoms take over the unlucky fish-eaters.

8. “Don’t call me Shirley”


Arguably one of the most famous lines from Airplane!, the exchange between Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen) and Ted Striker (Robert Hays) about “seriousness” and “Shirley” has become one of the all-time most quotable lines. It was the perfect example of the movie’s deadpan delivery and absurd wordplay.

9. “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit…”


McCroskey’s (Lloyd Bridges) line, “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit…” builds in comedic intensity, with him “quitting” everything from smoking to sniffing glue. It’s a perfect example of the film’s build-up of ridiculousness.

10. The Overly Literal Flight Instructions

Everett Collection

When the stewardess tells Ted to “make sure the runway lights are on,” he takes it literally and begins flipping switches all around him in confusion. It’s the kind of literal humor that’s come to define Airplane!’s unique comedy style.

11. Roger, Over, and Clarence Communication Confusion


The famous “Roger, Over” and “What’s our vector, Victor?” dialogue has lived on for its brilliant play on communication lingo. This sequence encapsulates the wordplay that makes Airplane! so endlessly quotable.

12. “It’s a big building with patients…”


When Ted asks Dr. Rumack about the hospital, Rumack replies with the line, “It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.” The character’s deadpan delivery became one of the most enduring one-liners in comedy history.

Airplane! remains a comedic masterpiece, with so many moments that make it endlessly rewatchable. It captures the spirit of ‘80s slapstick humor while delivering sharp wit and memorable quotes that have truly stood the test of time.

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