12 Cringeworthy Dance Moves from the 70s and 80s

The 70s and 80s were a golden era for dance, with disco fever, funky grooves, and MTV-inspired moves lighting up dance floors everywhere. But not every move from those decades aged gracefully. Some became punchlines, while others make us cringe with secondhand embarrassment today. Still, they were a big part of what made those nights under the disco ball unforgettable. Let’s revisit 12 dance moves that had their moment in the spotlight—but might leave you shaking your head (or laughing) now.

1. The YMCA


Everybody knew the letters, and no party was complete without it. But let’s be real—standing in a circle spelling out “Y-M-C-A” with your arms wasn’t exactly peak creativity. It was more like a choreographed group workout disguised as a dance.

2. The Hustle


Ah, the signature dance of the disco era. With its exaggerated arm movements and smooth turns, it was the epitome of cool in the 70s. Watching it now, it feels overly rehearsed and a little robotic—but back then, it was your ticket to dance floor glory.

3. The Funky Chicken


Who thought flapping your arms and bobbing your head like a chicken was a good idea? Apparently, everyone in the 70s! While undeniably fun at the time, pulling this move out today would earn you some serious side-eye.

4. The Robot


Sure, the robot had its charm, especially when someone nailed it. But for most of us, it looked more like a bad attempt at mimicking a stuck wind-up toy. Still, we couldn’t resist trying!

5. The Moonwalk Knockoff


Michael Jackson made the moonwalk iconic, but the countless imitators who attempted it at every party? Not so much. Sloppy footwork and awkward slides made it more cringe than cool for anyone not named Michael.

6. The Sprinkler


It’s exactly what it sounds like—one arm rotating like a sprinkler head while the other holds your imaginary “valve.” It was goofy, it was easy to do, and it was undeniably embarrassing. Somehow, though, it always got laughs.

7. The Lawnmower


Pulling an invisible lawnmower cord and then dramatically “pushing” it across the dance floor? Pure 80s silliness. It was fun for a laugh, but you probably wouldn’t want to be caught doing it today.

8. The Disco Finger


Pointing your finger up to the sky, then down to the floor, all while striking a dramatic pose—it was the signature move of the disco era. Fun fact: Doing this unironically in the 2020s will get you instantly labeled “retro” (and not necessarily in a good way).

9. The Cabbage Patch


With its simple circular arm motions and bouncy footwork, the Cabbage Patch was an easy go-to in the late 80s. But looking back, it feels more like an aerobics warm-up than a legit dance move.

10. The Shopping Cart


Miming pushing a shopping cart while grabbing imaginary groceries off the shelf was a hit at parties. It was meant to be funny, but it’s hard to believe we actually thought it looked good.

11. The Running Man


Sure, it had some rhythm, but watching someone awkwardly “run” in place on the dance floor felt more like a P.E. drill than a dance move. Bonus cringe points if you did it in parachute pants.

12. The Thriller Dance


When Michael Jackson’s Thriller video dropped, everyone wanted to learn the iconic choreography. But unless you practiced with the dedication of a backup dancer, it usually ended up looking more like a zombie flailing than a smooth groove.

The dances of the 70s and 80s were all about fun, self-expression, and not taking yourself too seriously. Sure, some of these moves make us wince now, but back then, they were our ticket to fitting in and standing out at the same time. What moves did you rock back in the day? Or, better yet, which ones make you cringe the most now? Let’s hear your stories!

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