Looking back at our childhood, it’s amazing we made it through without a few more scrapes and bruises—maybe even a trip to the ER. But hey, it was the 70s, and life was all about freedom and adventure. These days, we’re much more cautious with our kids and grandkids, but sometimes you have to laugh at how different things are now. Let’s take a walk down memory lane and remember all the things we did as kids that we’d never let the younger generation do today.
1. Riding in the Back of a Pickup Truck

Ah, the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and nothing but the open road ahead—while standing or sitting in the bed of a pickup truck. Back then, it felt like the ultimate freedom. Now? The thought of it makes us clutch our seatbelts a little tighter.
2. Disappearing for Hours Without Checking In

There were no cell phones, and if your parents wanted to know where you were, they’d have to trust you’d come back for dinner. We’d spend hours outside, exploring neighborhoods or woods, completely out of touch. Today, not knowing where your kid is for even five minutes feels like a panic attack waiting to happen.
3. No Helmets, No Problem

Bikes, roller skates, skateboards—none of it required any kind of protective gear back then. Helmets? Elbow pads? Knee pads? We didn’t even know they existed. Now, we wouldn’t dream of letting a kid on two wheels without being fully armored up.
4. Playing with Fireworks

Backyard fireworks shows were a summer staple, and sure, there were some accidents along the way—who could forget that one bottle rocket that went sideways? Today, fireworks are left to the professionals, and we’re not even sure we’d let the kids hold sparklers unsupervised.
5. Riding in Cars Without Seatbelts

Seatbelts were more of a suggestion than a requirement back then. We’d pile into the car, sit wherever there was space, and maybe even stretch out across the backseat for a nap. Now, we’re double-checking car seats, boosters, and seatbelts before anyone so much as starts the engine.
6. Playing with Lawn Darts

Lawn darts—who thought that was a good idea? Giant metal spikes thrown through the air while we stood around waiting for them to land. Somehow, we survived. These days, lawn darts are a thing of the past, replaced by far less deadly outdoor games.
7. Hitchhiking

Sticking out your thumb for a ride was a completely normal way to get around, especially if you needed to cover a lot of ground. Now, the thought of letting a kid hitchhike sends shivers down our spines. It’s a no-go in today’s world of rideshares and background checks.
8. Walking Home Alone After Dark

After a late night of hanging out with friends or riding bikes, we’d stroll home, often in the dark, without a second thought. No one was texting to check if we made it home safely because, well, texting didn’t exist. Today, kids are getting rides or at least making a phone call once they’re home safe.
9. Drinking from the Hose

When we were thirsty from playing outside, we’d just grab the garden hose and take a long gulp of that cold water, no questions asked. Now, we’re all about filtered water and reusable bottles. If we saw a kid drinking from a hose today, we’d probably shout, “Wait, don’t!”
10. Going Barefoot Everywhere

Running around barefoot was second nature—whether it was in the grass, on the driveway, or at the beach, we didn’t think twice about it. Now, we’re all about closed-toe shoes, sunscreen, and bug spray. The idea of walking on hot pavement or through a patch of weeds without shoes seems crazy.
11. Climbing Trees Without Supervision

Tree climbing was a rite of passage, and we’d go as high as we could—no one was worried about a fall. If we did fall, it was part of the adventure. Today, kids can’t even get near a tree without a watchful eye making sure they’re not going too high or slipping on a branch.
12. Staying in the Car While Mom Ran Errands

Waiting in the car while Mom ran into the store or the post office was normal, even if it took a while. We’d sit in the backseat, playing games or just staring out the window. These days, the very thought of leaving a kid alone in a car, even for a minute, is a definite no-no.
13. Building Dangerous Homemade Ramps

A couple of bricks, a wobbly board, and voilà—a ramp! We’d take turns launching our bikes or skateboards off it, landing in whatever way we could manage. Safety was not a consideration. Now, we’d be out there with helmets, knee pads, and probably a professionally-built ramp.
Looking back, it’s a wonder we made it through some of these risky adventures. But hey, we learned a lot along the way. That said, times have changed, and while our kids and grandkids might not get to experience the same wild freedom we did, they’re probably better off for it. Let’s just say, we’ll keep the lawn darts and hitchhiking stories to ourselves, and stick to the safer ways of making memories.