12 Hilarious Ads from the Past That Don’t Make Sense Now

Remember those advertisements that made us nod our heads back in the day? Well, grab your reading glasses and prepare to laugh (or cringe) because these gems from yesteryear are pure comedy gold by today’s standards. We actually bought into these! Can you believe it? Let’s take a humorous trip down memory lane and look at some ads that had us reaching for our wallets but would now have us reaching for the phone to call our lawyers.

1. The “Vitamin Donut” (Because That Makes Total Sense)

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Picture this: a donut company trying to convince us their fried dough rings were health food. Dextra Donut’s 1940s campaign claimed their donuts were packed with vitamins. Hey, at least they weren’t suggesting we wash them down with a kale smoothie!

2. “More Doctors Smoke Camels” (What Could Go Wrong?)


Oh, the irony! Camel cigarettes proudly announced that doctors preferred their brand. Because nothing says “trust me, I’m a doctor” quite like endorsing cigarettes between patient visits. Wonder what those doctors would say during their coffee breaks now?

3. Cocaine Toothache Drops for Kiddies (Yes, Really!)

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Step right up, folks! Got a fussy baby with a toothache? Just give them some cocaine drops! It’s like Mary Poppins meets Pablo Escobar. The advertisement showed a cheerful mother administering the “medicine.” Talk about mother’s little helper!

4. “Give Her the Gift She Really Wants – A Vacuum!”


Nothing says “I love you” like a new vacuum cleaner, right? These ads suggested the way to a woman’s heart was through household appliances. Imagine trying that today – you’d be vacuum-cleaning your way straight to the couch!

5. The Secretary’s New Best Friend


“Make your secretary work harder with this new tape recorder!” Because apparently, the only thing holding back office productivity was the lack of recording devices. The ad might as well have read: “Now with 50% more workplace awkwardness!”

6. The Tie That Binds (Your Foot to Your Mouth)


“Show her it’s a man’s world” proclaimed a tie ad featuring a woman serving breakfast in bed. Because nothing says “I’m a successful businessman” quite like casual sexism with your morning coffee!

7. 7-Up: The Breakfast of Champions… For Babies!


Why give your baby boring old milk when you could jazz up their bottle with 7-Up? The ad suggested it would help transition to solid foods. Because obviously, what every growing baby needs is carbonated sugar water. Pediatricians everywhere are face-palming.

8. The Art of Romance, Tobacco Style


“Blow in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere” – an actual cigarette ad. Ah yes, nothing gets the ladies quite like unexpected secondhand smoke to the face. It’s like The Dating Game meets an air pollution warning.

9. Lysol: For That “Fresh” Feeling


Lysol marketed itself as a feminine hygiene product. Let that sink in. The same stuff we use to clean toilets was once advertised for… well, you get the picture. Talk about mixed messages!

10. The “Come Fly With Me” Airlines


Airlines advertised their stewardesses like they were casting a beauty pageant, complete with age and measurement requirements. It was basically “The Bachelor” at 30,000 feet!

11. The “Skinny” Cola Ad


Get this: back in the 1950s, a certain cola brand ran ads promising that drinking their soda would help you stay thin. The tagline was “No time to stop for lunch? Get that sugar-free lift that peps you up!” Because apparently, skipping meals and drinking sugar water was the height of dieting wisdom. They marketed it as the “sophisticated” way to stay slim. Nothing says sophistication quite like replacing your meals with carbonated chemicals!

12. Christmas Morning Surprise!


“She’ll be happier with a Hoover!” Sure, because nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like implying your wife’s primary joy should come from cleaning the house. Ho ho… no.

You know what’s really hilarious? We didn’t bat an eye at any of these back then! These ads were as normal as putting butter on toast or wearing socks with sandals (okay, maybe that one’s still debatable). Looking at them now is better than any comedy show – except this time, we’re laughing at ourselves and how far we’ve come.

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