12 Things You Could Only Get at a ’70s Mall

Ah, the 1970s mall—a cultural hub where fashion, food, and entertainment converged under one roof. It wasn’t just a place to shop; it was a full-blown experience. From shag carpets in department stores to funky boutiques blasting disco music, these malls were the heartbeat of the decade. And while many of their treasures have faded away, their memory lives on. Let’s take a nostalgic stroll back to the grooviest decade and explore 12 things you could only find at a ’70s mall.

1. Orange Julius Stands

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Long before smoothie chains took over, Orange Julius was the drink of choice. That frothy blend of orange juice, milk, and sugar was a mall staple, and sipping one felt like the ultimate indulgence while browsing racks of bell-bottoms.

2. Shag Rugs from Sears


Sears was the go-to for home essentials, and in the ’70s, that meant shag rugs in every color imaginable. From avocado green to burnt orange, these plush carpets were a symbol of the era’s groovy home décor trends.

3. Mood Rings

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Mall kiosks were packed with mood rings, the ultimate accessory for anyone wanting to show off their “vibes.” Watching the colors shift from blue to green to black was both mesmerizing and a little bit magical.

4. Custom Airbrushed T-Shirts

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No trip to a ’70s mall was complete without stopping at an airbrushed T-shirt stand. Whether it was your name, a peace sign, or a majestic unicorn, these custom tees let you wear your personality loud and proud.

5. Platform Shoes


Shoe stores like Kinney Shoes and Baker’s were stocked with towering platform shoes, often glittery or adorned with funky patterns. You weren’t truly ’70s chic unless you added a few extra inches to your height.

6. Spencer’s Lava Lamps

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Spencer Gifts was the epicenter of mall coolness, and lava lamps were its crowning jewel. These hypnotic decorations became the must-have accessory for any ’70s bedroom.

7. Vinyl Records at Record Town


Before streaming, vinyl was king, and record stores like Record Town or Sam Goody were mall hotspots. Whether it was Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, or Donna Summer, flipping through albums was an adventure in itself.

8. Earth Tones Galore at JCPenney

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JCPenney’s clothing racks were dominated by earth tones—think browns, oranges, and yellows. From corduroy jackets to polyester shirts, this palette screamed ’70s fashion.

9. Tobacco Shops

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Yes, malls in the ’70s often had full-blown tobacco shops. Whether it was pipes, cigars, or ashtrays, these stores were a common sight, complete with the smoky aroma that wafted into nearby corridors.

10. Bean Bag Chairs


Furniture stores in the mall showcased bean bag chairs as the ultimate in casual seating. They came in vibrant colors and were perfect for sprawling out in front of your record player or console TV.

11. Fondue Sets

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Kitchenware stores were packed with fondue sets in the ’70s, because nothing said “modern dining” like melted cheese or chocolate. These kits often came in earthy ceramic finishes that matched every shag-carpeted dining room.

12. Photo Booth Strips

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No mall visit was complete without cramming into a photo booth with friends. Those grainy black-and-white strips were treasured keepsakes and a snapshot of simpler, sillier times.

The ’70s mall wasn’t just about what you could buy—it was about the experience. Every store, every kiosk, and every scent (hello, freshly baked pretzels!) combined to create a vibrant world we can’t help but miss. Let’s face it: a trip to the mall today just doesn’t hit the same.

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