12 Halloween Pranks 70s Kids Pulled That Would Get You In Trouble Today

Ah, Halloween in the 70s! A time of playful mischief and good-natured pranks that brought communities together in laughter (and sometimes a little chaos). While these antics were all in fun back then, they definitely wouldn’t fly today! Let’s take a walk down memory lane and remember some of the classic Halloween pranks that 70s kids pulled that would probably land us in hot water now.

1. Egging Houses


Nothing screamed Halloween mischief like a classic egging. Armed with a dozen eggs, we’d stealthily approach a neighbor’s house, usually the one that gave out bad candy. One quick throw, and it was all laughter until the parents got involved! Nowadays, though, egging is seen as vandalism, and the consequences would likely be much harsher than a scolding.

2. Toilet Papering Trees


Rolling the neighbor’s trees with toilet paper was an absolute rite of passage. We’d giggle as we tossed the rolls high into the branches, creating a snowy effect that made the place look festive. Today, however, this prank could easily be seen as property damage and might even land you a visit from the local authorities.

3. Fake Graveyards


A staple in our Halloween arsenal was creating elaborate fake graveyards in front yards. With a little creativity, we’d craft tombstones from cardboard and stick them in the ground, often adding humorous epitaphs. While we were just trying to be spooky, today’s parents might view this as a neighborhood nuisance or an act of vandalism!

4. Spooking Friends with Fake Ghosts


Hanging sheets from trees to create “ghosts” was a classic prank. We’d wait for friends to walk by and then let out our best ghostly wails. While it was all in good fun, these days, it might be taken a bit too seriously, and someone could end up scared enough to call for help!

5. Mysterious Phone Calls


We’d pick up the phone and make eerie calls to friends, whispering things like “I see you!” just to get a laugh. While it felt thrilling and harmless at the time, today this kind of prank could easily lead to misunderstandings or be viewed as harassment. Best to leave those spooky vibes for the movies!

6. Silly String Ambush


Arming ourselves with cans of silly string, we’d lie in wait for unsuspecting friends to pass by and then launch a surprise attack. The laughter would echo down the street, but nowadays, someone might not find it so funny, especially if they ended up with a mess on their new outfit.

7. Scaring Trick-or-Treaters


In the 70s, we’d sometimes hide in bushes or behind trees to scare little kids as they approached houses. Whether it was a jump scare or a loud roar, it was all in the spirit of fun. Today, though, it’s likely that this kind of behavior would be frowned upon, as safety and comfort for young trick-or-treaters take precedence.

8. Switching Candy Bags


This prank involved sneaking a friend’s candy bag and swapping out their treats with less desirable ones. We’d laugh and watch their reactions as they discovered the “switch.” However, with the focus on safety today, this prank could easily lead to tears and hurt feelings instead of laughter.

9. Mischief with Pumpkins


We’d occasionally roll pumpkins down the street or swap them with our neighbors. It was all in good fun, but it could easily lead to property damage. Nowadays, those who are caught might find themselves facing some serious consequences, rather than just some good-natured rivalry.

10. Fake Spider Scares


A favorite prank was placing fake spiders on a friend’s porch or under a doormat. The startled screams and laughter were the highlight of our Halloween. But with increased awareness about phobias, this prank could easily cause panic and distress today, leaving it best kept in the past.

11. Booing Neighbors


We’d secretly leave little treats or spooky notes at a neighbor’s door, ringing the bell, and running away. The fun was in their reaction when they found the surprise! But today, this act could easily be misinterpreted, leading to a lot of confusion and potential complaints.

12. Creepy Decorations Gone Wrong


We’d love to set up over-the-top creepy decorations around our homes, complete with gory props and jump scares. The more realistic, the better! However, in today’s world, what was once a fun decoration might get a call to the police, especially if it raises too many alarm bells in the neighborhood.

Halloween in the 70s was all about camaraderie and a sense of playful mischief. These pranks brought laughter and excitement, creating memories that we still cherish today. While some of these antics might be deemed unacceptable in modern times, they remind us of a simpler, more carefree time when Halloween was all about the thrill of the scare and the joy of community fun.

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