14 Toys from the 70s That Caused Injuries… but We Still Loved

Growing up in the 70s was a different world when it came to toys. Safety standards? Sure, they existed… kind of. We didn’t have helmets, knee pads, or hoverboards with built-in safety features. What we did have were toys that left us with skinned knees, bruises, and maybe even a few broken bones. And guess what? We loved every minute of it. Let’s take a look back at some of those wild, sometimes dangerous, but always awesome toys that we couldn’t get enough of—even if they caused a little pain along the way.

1. Lawn Darts (Jarts)

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Let’s start with the king of all dangerous toys: Lawn Darts. Who thought giving kids giant metal-tipped darts to throw in the backyard was a good idea? The goal was simple—toss the darts into a plastic ring on the ground. But the reality? We were dodging flying projectiles that could stick into just about anything (or anyone) they hit. Still, there was something thrilling about the danger, and we kept playing, oblivious to the risk. It’s a miracle more of us didn’t end up in the ER!

2. Clackers


Ah, clackers. Two acrylic balls on a string that you’d bang together with the ferocity of a child who didn’t realize they were playing with mini wrecking balls. The goal was to get them clacking up and down as fast as possible without smacking yourself in the hand—or worse, the face. Spoiler alert: most of us weren’t that coordinated. Bruised wrists were practically guaranteed, but the satisfaction of mastering the clack was worth every bump and bruise.


3. Slip ‘N Slide


Summer wasn’t complete without dragging out the Slip ‘N Slide. A long strip of plastic, a garden hose, and a whole lot of reckless abandon were the ingredients for a perfect day. Of course, the slide was basically just a slick runway of hard ground waiting to knock the wind out of you if you hit a rock or tree root. But the sheer joy of sliding headfirst into muddy oblivion? Totally worth the occasional (or frequent) crash landing.

4. Super Elastic Bubble Plastic


This was one of those toys that, looking back, probably should’ve come with a warning label about inhaling fumes. Super Elastic Bubble Plastic let you blow your own bubbles using a plastic goop and a straw. It smelled awful, and if you weren’t careful, you’d end up with a bubble bursting right in your face, leaving a sticky, chemical-laden mess. Still, there was something so cool about making those colorful, odd-smelling bubbles—totally worth the headaches (literal and figurative).

5. Pogo Sticks

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Pogo sticks were one of those toys that looked so easy… until you tried it. The goal was to bounce up and down like a kangaroo, but more often than not, you’d lose your balance and come crashing down, sometimes on your backside, sometimes face-first. If you could master it, though, you were basically a playground hero. And if you couldn’t? Well, at least you had a cool story about that time you went flying off a pogo stick.

6. Sit ‘n Spin

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The Sit ‘n Spin was a toy that offered dizzying fun—literally. You’d sit on the base and spin yourself around as fast as you could, laughing uncontrollably until you were so dizzy you couldn’t walk straight. Of course, that was if you didn’t fling yourself off in the process. The occasional bump or bruise from toppling over was just part of the experience, and as soon as the dizziness wore off, we were back on for another round.

7. Metal Tonka Trucks

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These Tonka trucks were the real deal. Made of heavy metal and built like actual construction equipment, they could withstand anything—except maybe your toes. You’d be pushing them around, imagining you were on a construction site, only to accidentally run over your foot with one of those metal monsters. But hey, a little stubbed toe never stopped us from loading those trucks up with dirt, rocks, and whatever else we could haul.

8. Big Wheel

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The Big Wheel was every kid’s dream vehicle. It had that giant front wheel, the low-to-the-ground seat, and the ability to whip around corners with ease. But if you took a corner too fast, you were almost guaranteed to wipe out, scraping your elbows or knees on the asphalt. It didn’t matter though—those wipeouts were just part of the fun. You’d pick yourself up, hop back on, and keep riding like nothing happened.

9. Slip-On Roller Skates


These metal roller skates strapped over your regular shoes and turned any sidewalk into a roller rink. The problem? They didn’t exactly have the best grip, and if the strap came loose, you were in for a rough ride. Skinned knees and elbows were inevitable, but the thrill of zooming down the street made it all worth it.

10. Skateboards


Skateboards in the 70s were… well, let’s just say they weren’t built for safety. The wheels were small and hard, the boards narrow, and helmets were more of a suggestion than a requirement. Every time you hit a crack in the sidewalk, you risked a spectacular wipeout. Scrapes, bruises, and sprained wrists were par for the course, but mastering a trick or even just cruising down the block made all the spills worth it.

11. Stretch Armstrong


Who didn’t love Stretch Armstrong? You’d grab one end, your friend would grab the other, and you’d see how far you could stretch him before his rubbery limbs snapped back… or worse, before he burst. That corn syrup filling had a way of oozing out if you pushed Stretch a little too far, leaving a sticky mess and a sad, deflated toy. But it was all part of the Stretch Armstrong experience.

12. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots


The idea was simple: two plastic robots in a ring, each controlled by a lever that made them throw punches. The goal? Knock the other robot’s block off. Of course, those plastic punches were so fierce that if you got a little too close, you might end up getting smacked in the hand or face. It was more than just a toy—it was a battle. And every victory felt sweet, even if it came with a few sore fingers.

13. Chemistry Sets


Kids today might have science kits, but we had chemistry sets—and they were nothing like the watered-down versions you see today. These sets came with real chemicals, real test tubes, and real potential for disaster. There were plenty of stories of kids accidentally setting off small explosions or creating some kind of stinky concoction that sent everyone running from the room. But boy, did we feel like little scientists every time we mixed something up.

14. Super Ball


This little rubber ball packed a surprising punch. Super Balls were known for their insane bounce. You’d slam one against the ground, and it would shoot back up—sometimes higher than you expected, ricocheting off walls and possibly into someone’s face. But it was so fun trying to see how high you could make it bounce, even if it did end in chaos half the time.

We may have come out of the 70s with a few scars and bruises, but we wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. The toys may not have been the safest, but they were part of our childhood adventure, and we had the time of our lives. Looking back now, we can laugh about the bumps and scrapes—and maybe, just maybe, feel a little nostalgic for those wild, wacky toys that made growing up in the 70s unforgettable.

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