Remember when leisure suits were cool and everyone thought polyester was the fabric of the future? The 1970s were a time of wild fashion, questionable social norms, and cultural experimentation that would make today’s generation scratch their heads in bewilderment. Let’s take a hilarious trip down memory lane and explore the trends that would absolutely not fly in our current world of social awareness and political correctness.
1. Smoking Everywhere – And We Mean EVERYWHERE

Cigarettes were the ultimate accessory in the ’70s, with no area considered off-limits for lighting up. People would casually smoke in hospitals, airplanes, restaurants, and virtually every indoor space imaginable. The idea of secondhand smoke being harmful was barely a blip on most people’s radar. SmartSign gives visitors a read on the history of smoking and non-smoking signs across the decades.
Doctors themselves were often seen puffing away between patient consultations, creating an environment that seems absolutely mind-boggling by today’s standards. Advertisements glorified smoking as sophisticated and cool, with cigarette brands sponsoring everything from sporting events to television shows. Can you imagine the massive public outcry if someone tried to normalize such widespread smoking in our current health-conscious society?
2. Abundant Workplace Frustrations

The workplace in the ’70s operated under a completely different set of social rules that would be considered completely unacceptable today. Inappropriate comments, unwelcome physical advances, and behavior that would now trigger immediate legal action were considered standard office interactions. Employees, particularly women, were expected to tolerate treatment that would now be grounds for immediate termination. Nexus HR examines the history of human resources departments as a way of stopping some of these grievances from manifesting.
Professional boundaries were essentially nonexistent during this era, with power dynamics that allowed for incredibly inappropriate workplace conduct. Supervisors felt free to make personal comments, engage in suggestive conversations, and create hostile work environments without consequence. The modern workplace’s strict harassment policies would have been unimaginable to professionals navigating the social landscape of the 1970s.
3. Lead-Based Everything

Lead was an omnipresent ingredient in countless everyday products during the 1970s, with manufacturers and consumers blissfully unaware of its toxic potential. Paint, gasoline, toys, and household items were routinely manufactured with lead as a key component. Children’s products were particularly problematic, with lead-based paints and materials used without a second thought. For those wondering why lead in paint, Chemistry World breaks down the reasons for this old practice.
Parents and manufacturers remained completely ignorant of the serious health risks associated with lead exposure. Toys would be coated in lead paint, children would play with lead-contaminated products, and nobody understood the long-term health consequences. Today, such casual approach to toxic materials would spark immediate outrage, massive recalls, and potentially significant legal action.
4. Strict School Dress Codes and Uniform Policies

The 1970s represented a high-water mark for rigid school dress codes that would be considered oppressively restrictive by today’s standards of personal expression. Public and private schools enforced incredibly strict dress regulations that controlled every aspect of students’ appearance, from hair length to clothing choices. Girls faced particularly brutal dress code enforcement, with rules that seemed designed to limit their individual identity and self-expression.
Many schools maintained near-military levels of clothing control, with detailed guidelines that dictated everything from acceptable shirt colors to precise skirt lengths. Students could be sent home, given detention, or even disciplined for minor infractions like wearing slightly longer hair or having slightly non-conformist clothing choices. The level of institutional control over personal appearance would be viewed as a significant violation of personal rights in our current educational landscape.
5. Hitchhiking as a Legitimate Transportation Option

Hitchhiking was considered a completely normal and acceptable method of travel during the 1970s, with young people routinely thumbing rides from total strangers. Families would casually encourage their teenagers to stick out their thumb and hop into random vehicles without experiencing significant parental anxiety. The entire concept was viewed as an adventure rather than a potential safety risk.
Drivers would regularly pick up hitchhikers without a second thought, creating a social dynamic that seems unimaginable in our current era of heightened personal safety awareness. Entire cultural narratives, from music to movies, romanticized the practice of hitchhiking as a symbol of freedom and spontaneity. Today, such behavior would be considered an extreme and potentially life-threatening risk, with law enforcement and parents strongly discouraging this practice.
6. Questionable Dietary Choices for Children

The 1970s represented a golden age of processed foods, with parents feeding children diets that would now be considered nutritionally irresponsible. Sugary cereals, endless processed snacks, and sodas were marketed directly to kids with zero consideration for health consequences. Nutritional education was minimal, and convenience was the primary consideration for most family meal planning.
Breakfast tables would be filled with brightly colored cereals laden with sugar, marketed as healthy start to the day. Lunch boxes frequently contained processed meats, sugary drinks, and snacks with minimal nutritional value. Nutritionists today would have an absolute meltdown if they saw a typical ’70s child’s daily menu.
7. Extremely Loose Car Safety Standards

Car seats in the 1970s were more decorative suggestions than actual safety devices designed to protect children. Young passengers would freely roam vehicle interiors, sit on laps, and bounce around without any meaningful restraints or protection. The concept of child passenger safety was barely in its infancy during this decade.
Families would think nothing of having children standing on seats, lying across the back window, or sitting unrestrained during long trips. Seat belt usage was sporadic, and child-specific safety measures were virtually nonexistent. Modern child safety laws would find these practices not just inappropriate, but potentially criminally negligent.
8. Casual Racism in Entertainment

Television shows, movies, and advertisements of the 1970s frequently featured racial stereotypes that would be considered deeply offensive by today’s standards. Comedic portrayals of different ethnic groups were normalized in ways that would trigger immediate public backlash in our current cultural landscape. Popular media routinely used caricatures and stereotypical representations that would be unthinkable in modern entertainment.
Entire genres of comedy relied on racial humor that would now be considered completely unacceptable and harmful. Characters from minority groups were often reduced to one-dimensional stereotypes, used primarily for comedic effect. The casual racism embedded in mainstream media of that era would generate immediate and significant public criticism today.
9. Corporal Punishment as Parenting Technique

Spanking and physical discipline were not just accepted but actively encouraged as proper parenting methods throughout the 1970s. Teachers could physically discipline students, and parents were considered weak if they didn’t use physical punishment as a primary behavioral correction method. The entire approach to child-rearing emphasized strict physical control over emotional understanding.
Parents and educators believed that physical punishment was the most effective way to modify children’s behavior and teach discipline. Wooden paddles in schools, aggressive spanking at home, and public physical corrections were considered standard parenting practices. Today, such practices would be viewed as abusive and could result in legal intervention and potential loss of parental rights.
10. Hyper-Gendered Gift-Giving and Marketing

Advertising in the 1970s was a masterclass in gender stereotyping, with product marketing that ruthlessly confined women to domestic spaces and men to professional and recreational realms. Kitchen appliances were marketed exclusively to women, with advertisements featuring perfectly coiffed housewives gleefully demonstrating the latest blenders, mixers, and vacuum cleaners as if these were the pinnacle of female achievement. Commercials and print ads portrayed domestic duties as the ultimate fulfillment for women, completely dismissing any aspirations beyond homemaking.
Gift-giving was equally problematic, with entire product lines designed to reinforce rigid gender expectations that would be considered offensive by today’s standards. Men would receive tools, sporting equipment, and electronics, while women were gifted cookware, cleaning supplies, and items related to childcare and home management. The message was clear: women were meant to maintain the home, while men were expected to work, play, and pursue interests outside domestic boundaries.
11. Casual Drinking During Pregnancy

In the 1970s, pregnant women were often advised that moderate drinking was perfectly acceptable and might even provide certain health benefits. Medical understanding of fetal alcohol syndrome was minimal, and expectant mothers would regularly enjoy cocktails, wine, and other alcoholic beverages without concern. Doctors themselves would sometimes recommend light drinking as a means of relaxation during pregnancy.
Pregnant women would socialize and consume alcohol in public without facing any social stigma or medical warnings. The connection between prenatal alcohol consumption and potential developmental risks was not widely understood or communicated. Today, we recognize the serious developmental challenges associated with any alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
12. Extremely Cavalier Attitudes About Personal Privacy

Before the digital age, people had a much more relaxed approach to personal information and privacy that would be considered reckless by current standards. Sharing personal details, addresses, and phone numbers was done without a second thought, in ways that would now trigger significant privacy concerns. The concept of data protection was virtually nonexistent during this era.
Telephone directories would publish home addresses and phone numbers without individual consent, creating a level of public exposure that would be unimaginable today. Strangers could easily access personal information through simple public records or community directories. The casual approach to personal information sharing would be considered a significant privacy violation in our current, hyper-connected world.
Looking back, the ’70s were a wild time of cultural transformation, bizarre fashion choices, and social norms that seem absolutely mind-boggling today. While we can laugh about these trends now, they also remind us how much society has evolved in just a few decades. Perhaps our grandchildren will look back at our current era with the same mixture of amusement and disbelief.